09 August 2011


On July 28th, 2011, nearly 100 delegates from a wide range of stakeholder groups came together in Orange to discuss the Travelling Stock Routes and Reserves (TSR) network. The aim of the conference, which was hosted by the National Parks Association of NSW, was to begin developing a framework of management principles for the shared and sustainable use of the TSR network.

Groups represented at the conference included NSW Government agencies and departments such as Livestock Health and Pest Authorities, Catchment Management Authorities, Crown Lands, the Local Government and Shires Association, Fisheries and the Office of Environment and Heritage; the Federal Government Departments of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities; a number of Aboriginal groups including the NSW Aboriginal Land Council; several universities; a number of recreational fishing groups; the Game Council; a wide range of conservation, environmental and Landcare groups; farmers; educators; birdwatchers and other interested groups and individuals.

Conference Outcomes
Key consensus points
There was a broad consensus throughout the day that communication and connection amongst groups and people with an interest in TSRs needs to be maintained and increased, to allow effective promotion and protection of the many values of TSRs. During the final discussion session, there was general agreement to five key requirements for effective management of the TSR network. They were:
1. An authority with oversight of TSRs that has stable and adequate resourcing for the task. This could build on existing institutional arrangements such as the LHPA, which is currently under review.
2. Accessible data, providing more information than is currently available and in a more coordinated and streamlined format.
3. Representative management that brings together the various values and interests and facilitated networking and information sharing
4. Educational programs to raise awareness of the wide importance of TSRs and help recognise and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage
5. An assessment of the economic significance of TSRs using a framework such as Total Economic Value, to recognise the full range of values including non use values.

For more information on the conference including reading and viewing presentations go to the National Parks Association of NSW website.

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