"we need many tools in our arsenal to deal with the inevitable impacts, many of them negative, that climate change will bring. This book is one of those tools, and an incredibly important one.
One of the important features of the book is its emphasis on the role of germplasm conservation, in all its forms, for conservation practice, both now and in the future. Ex-situ conservation will never take the place of good in-situ conservation practice, but aims to complement and enhance it, with the ultimate objective being to support the survival and continued evolution of species in self-sustaining populations in the wild.
We won’t be able to save everything, but tools like these will give us a much better shot".
Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia
Edited by C.A. Offord and P.F. Meagher
Published by Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc. (ANPC) in partnership with Australian Seed Conservation and Research (AuSCaR)
Available now from ANPC for AUD $39.95 (plus postage and handling)
Ph: 02 6250 9509 or email anpc@anpc.asn.au